About our Attorneys

Graduate in law of the University of Bucharest in 1978, Danila Magda Luminita began her professional activity as a judge. Between 1978-1992 she was a judge within the law courts of the third and forth districts in Bucharest and from 1987 until May 1992 she coordinated the activity of the judges and of the other employees in her quality of vice-president and president of the law court.
The experience she accumulated both as a professional and a coordinator of the activity of the law courts has been very important for the results she has got after 1992, when she became a lawyer, member of the Bucharest Bar Association and of the International Union of Lawyers headquartered in Paris, France. She got an attendance certificate in « English Contract Law Course«, organized by Oriel College – Oxford in 2004, an attendance certificate at the Seminar regarding the lobby practices organized by the European Trading Institute in 2007 and she is an authorised mediator from 2013.
She speeks English and French fluently.
- stan.dragomir@dragomirlaw.ro
- 40213167117
Stan Dragomir is managing partner of “Dragomir & Asociaţii” Law Firm and has been a member of the Bucharest Bar since 1991.
Stan practices for more than 20 years in areas such as litigation, public procurement, corporate and real estate.
Stan holds a degree in law since 1980 from the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest and he also became a specialist in Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law in 1985. After graduating the Faculty of Law, he was ajudge for 11 years.
Besides, Stan followed a finances and capital markets course. In 2012, he completed a postgraduate programme of continuing professional development in Private Law.
Stan is an expert in accessing European structural and cohesion funds, and he is also recommended as a legal services expert by the European Legal Experts Directory.
Stan speaks English fluently.
- alina.lefter@dragomirlaw.ro
- 40213167117
Alina Lefter is partner of “Dragomir & Asociatii” Law Firm and has been a member of the Bucharest Bar since 1991.
Alina has over 20 years of experience in litigation focused on commercial, public procurement, administrative, corporate and real estate. She also practices in the areas of public procurement, commercial & corporate, mergers & acquisitions.
Alina holds a degree in law since 1990 from the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest and she became a specialist in International Law in 1991. Also, she completed a scholarship in the Academy of European Law in Florence and became a specialist in European Community Law in 1994. In 2012, Alina completed a postgraduate programme of continuing professional development in Private Law and since 2016 she holds a master degree in Security and Defence, Security and Defence Faculty, National Defence University “Carol I”.
Alina is an arbitrator of The Court of Maritime and Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Navigation and Agriculture Constanta, a public procurement expert and also an expert in accessing European structural and cohesion funds. In 2014, she was awarded with the Prize for Excellence in Developing the Legal Profession for the Category PPP/ Public Procurement/ Infrastructure at the "Lady Lawyer” Gala.
Alina speaks fluently English and at a conversational level, French.
- carmen.bichis@cbichis.ro
- +4021/ 3167117
Carmen started her legal path as a prosecutor in 1986 and worked in this field until 1992. After her career as a prosecutor, she became a member of the Bucharest Bar Association in 1992, continuing her activity until 1999. Her main areas of focus were civil and commercial law, labour law, competition law, capital market and international law.
Between 1999 and 2002, Carmen worked for the Consulate of the Romanian Embassy in Rome. After this period, she continued her activity as a lawyer, in the aforementioned areas of focus. Carmen was a member of the lawyers’ group of the Association for the Defense of Human Rights in Romania (Helsinki Committee). >
In 2008, Carmen took the Post-Graduate Course entitled "Statehood and State thinking", organized by Georgetown University (Bucharest-Washington). Between 2005 and 2013, Carmen was a member of the Romanian National Securities Commission, where she acted as Commissioner, Vice-President and President. Carmen obtained a certificate of attendance from the International Institute for Securities Development, a program of comprehensive professional panels and workshops regarding the development and regulation of securities markets, organized by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, in Washington D.C. (16th-26th of April 2012).
Carmen is qualified also as investment advisor and investment services and activities agent. Carmen is fluent in English and Italian and speaks French at a conversational level.
Together with the founder, the associate lawyers are devoted to the clients, passionate about their work, ready to respond to the request of the clients , at any time. Regarding the strategies, the associate lawyers respect the policy of the law firm, which obliges them to not engage any activity in the name or for the clients, before having got the approval of the founder. The direct involvement of the founder, who is very experienced, is our best offer and the associate lawyers understand and respect the importance of this issue in the relationships with our clients.